
Opengl es 2.0 multiple render buffers
Opengl es 2.0 multiple render buffers

opengl es 2.0 multiple render buffers

No, the only way to use a renderbuffer object is to attach it to a Framebuffer Object. The contents of the renderbuffer are undefined (it could be holding old data, or zeroed out, or anything) There is also no function to upload data to the renderbuffer like glTexImage2D. You may have noticed that, unlike glTexImage2D, there are no parameters in these creation functions to actually initialize the data. Recreating a renderbuffer with the same object name can cause completeness problems, particularly if it is attached to another object at the time. If you need a new renderbuffer, just delete the old object and create a new one. Note: You are strongly advised not to do this. Similar to glTexImage2D, calling this function on a renderbuffer that has already had this function called on it will cause it to deallocate any resources associated with the previous call and allocate new storage. The samples​ parameter is the number of samples in the buffer. Indeed, it works exactly like the original if you pass 0 for samples​. This works exactly like the original except for the samples​ parameter. Void glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLenum target​, GLsizei samples​, GLenum internalformat​, GLsizei width​, GLsizei height​) If you wish to create a multisample renderbuffer, you use a slightly different function: The width​ and height​ are the width and height of the renderbuffer. The article on Image Formats elaborates in detail on the meaning of these formats. The internalformat​ should be an internal format used for images. The target​ must be GL_RENDERBUFFER, the same target you bound the renderbuffer object to. Void glRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target​, GLenum internalformat​, GLsizei width​, GLsizei height​) Before you can bind them to a Framebuffer Object, you must allocate storage for the renderbuffer. Similar to Texture objects, renderbuffers are empty at initialization. It takes a target parameter, but the only viable target is GL_RENDERBUFFER. They also have the usual glBindRenderbuffer function to bind them. So they have the usual glGenRenderbuffers/glDeleteRenderbuffers creation and destruction functions. Renderbuffer objects are standard OpenGL objects.

Opengl es 2.0 multiple render buffers